About the Program

The purpose of ESAT is to empower the Ethiopian youth with skills, training, and an education to help them be more successful in life.  While there are many organizations and services available to accomplish similar goals, ESAT focuses exclusively on assisting the Ethiopian community.  Our emphasis is on cultural awareness and education.  In this way, we hope to strengthen the identity and intellect of the Ethiopian youths and leave their spirituality to the religious institutions in our community.  Ultimately, we feel that this organization is vitally necessary for the youth to learn skills of leadership, teamwork, communication, partnership, work ethic, professionalism, negotiation, cultural awareness, and the steps to developing a strong organization of peers.  Please use the following links to learn more about our mission, structure, and lead facillitators.  Thank you!

Parental Participation

The role of the parent in this program is a very important aspect to why we believe that ESAT is organized to best achieve its goals.  It has been said time and time again that no job is harder than being a parent.  Whether you agree with this statement or not, we can all appreciate the difficulties and sacrifices that parenting calls for.  ESAT can be a very effective tool for the youth to develop positive habits in daily life.  However, ESAT does not in any way aspire to become the parents of the youth!  Understanding the wisdom and power of our parents, ESAT invites you all to assist and help develop the student associations.  We know that this program CANNOT exist without your approval or support!  Please help us to be a positive influence on the Ethiopian youth.  Your involvement is the greatest resource we have whether it be financially, by contacts, for resources, or in the advice that you have to offer.  If for no other reason, we return to the cultural aspect of ESAT.  The youth cannot develop a sense of cultural awareness if they do not learn about their heritage from the parents.  If ESAT does not reference the parents for cultural knowledge and traditions, then our program will not be able to stay true to its initial cause.  We need parent involvement to ensure that our program continues to educate the youth and general community about the land of Ethiopia.  Please help ESAT maintain its integrity and become involved in your local area.


Obviously, we do not intend to claim our strength by depending on the power of parents alone.  Our program is focused on showing real ways for the Ethiopian youth to succeed.  Whether it be in academic progress or the solidification of their identity, we want to give the youth the tools they need to succeed and present them in a very personalized way that they can relate to.  Here are some resources that we are constantly working to improve for all the youth that come in contact with ESAT!

...education - designed with a focus on high school students, high school seniors, and college seniors

....culture - presented to help Ethiopian students learn about the Ethiopian heritage and to present their culture to their peers and the community at large

....full student organization list - provided to allow the Ethiopian youth to extend their network beyond the state of Texas

....organizational tools - developed to rapidly propel new student associations and weakening students associations past the many important aspects to maintaining a strong organization
ESAT Mission
ESAT Structure
ESAT Chapters
Education Page
Culture Page
Full Student Organization Listing
Organizational Tools
ESAT Parent's Page
Program Specifics and Main Links